Questions to Ask Your Mentor

A mentor can be a key role for your career development.  Always come to your meetings with your mentor prepared for a conversation.  Be open and honest with your mentor, and always be willing to listen and learn.  Make sure your conversations stay fresh by focusing on the four main types of questions:

Behind the Scenes: Rejection

As you advance in your career, the onus will be on you to call the shots.  Sometimes, that involves rejecting perfectly good applicants from a program they are overqualified for.  In these situations, it’s really important to remember how you felt in the past so that you can help them move forward in the future.

You Should Know Your Love Language

Your deepest relationships will always be the ones where each party feels loved and wanted.  I am a firm believer of “not having to guess” and taking the easy way where possible, and in relationships I’ve found that the easy way is knowing your love languages.

Was It a Frugal Birthday?

I doubt some of my fellow frugal bloggers would call my fancy birthday weekend “frugal,” but rest assured, I finished off my 26th year of life with a splash.
